Survey says: A to Z Book Survey

I stumbled across a new blog to fawn over yesterday. Check it out: Chocolate & Cream Cake. This gal’s pretty freaking awesome – sassy and nerdy, two of my favourite things.

And what would make me like someone even more than sass and nerdery? The siren song of a fantastic survey. About books! Yeah, I know you want to fill this out, too. Because I know you read. A lot. I know you, folks. We have shared interests.

Fill. It. Out.

I want to read your answers.

(These are Mandy’s answers: Chocolate & Cream Cake’s A to Z Book Survey.)

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Author You’ve Read The Most Books From
Neil Gaiman. I might be a filthy Gaiman stalker.

Best Sequel Ever
Talking to Dragons. Theoretically this is the third sequel (fourth book) of Wrede’s Enchanted Forest Chronicles. This is one of my very favourite books. Of all time. Ever. (Random trivia: it is technically the first of the EFC books. In that it was written first, and the three other books followed as prequels. Since it’s the fourth book in the series it totally still counts as a sequel.)

Currently Reading
A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin

Drink of Choice While Reading
Tea. I love me a big ol’ cuppa while curled up with a good book.

E-reader or physical book?
Oh. Physical book. I understand and appreciate the place of e-readers, but I neither own nor want one.

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated in High School
Mercutio. I freaking love Mercutio – he is exactly the kind of witty douche I always swoon over.

Glad You Gave This Book a Chance
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Eons ago. So much love.

Hidden Gem Book
Blackbringer by Laini Taylor

Important Moment in Your Reading Life
When, in grade school, it occurred to me that I was not too young to start reading novels (Nancy Drew novels, specifically). Thank you for that one, AW – your reading of books that looked too big and scary, but absolutely were not, changed my life.

Just Finished
I cannot recall the last book I actually finished. It’s terrible, but I’ve been in the middle of a few books for way too long. (I got distracted by a few pregnancy and childbirth texts and left the novels by the wayside, but didn’t actually technically finish the maternity books either.) 

Kinds of Books You Won’t Read
There’s not really anything I won’t read. I don’t love erotica or romance novels, though.

Longest Book You’ve Read
The Stand by Stephen King

Major Book Hangover Because of
Unwind by Neal Shusterman. Beware of this book. Seriously. If you’re considering it, you need to know that it’s fucking heavy. Amazing and one of my favourite pieces of Young Adult Literature, but fucking heavy.

Number of Bookcases You Own
Four, but I’m doubling up on two of them (and those two are not very tall), so I’m in need of a few more.

One Book You Have Read Multiple Times
Aside from Talking to Dragons? I think my reading record goes to Summer Sisters by Judy Blume.

Preferred Place to Read
The tub. I love to sink into a hot bath and read.

Quote That Inspires You
This above all: to thine own self be true. – Wm. Shakespeare

Again, so much so that I had it inked:

Reading Regret
Picking up my first Urban Fantasy book. I have been a slave to the genre (at the sacrifice of having an actual life) ever since. It’s ridiculous. …good grief….

(Complete) Series You Started and Need to Finish
Harry Potter. I never did read the last book. So! I have vowed to re-read the books I’ve already read and finish that last text…after I finish GoT, of course.

Three of Your All Time Favourite Books
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, and The Sandman (specifically Preludes & Nocturnes and The Doll’s House) by Neil Gaiman (and a wicked collection of amazing artists).

Unapologetic Fangirl Filthy Stalker Of
Neil Gaiman.

Very Excited for This Release More Than All the Others
UnSouled by Neal Shusterman. I’m pretty sure the Unwind saga is the only series I am far enough into to warrant that kind of eagerness. (I have only just started the A Song of Fire and Ice series. Though I am certain I will be jazzed for The Winds of Winter soon enough,)

Oh! Right…! Also: The Doors of Stone by Pat Rothfuss. Yes yes yes.

Worst Bookish Habit
It’s not really related to books, but I chew on my fingers (not nails. Fingers) worst when I’m reading.

X Marks the Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book
Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr

Your Latest Book Purchase
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin

ZZZ-Snatcher Book (last one that kept you up way too late)
A Game of Thrones. It didn’t so much keep me up as it did make nursing a little easier at 0300h.

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Peter Frampton – Show Me the Way


19 thoughts on “Survey says: A to Z Book Survey

  1. LOVE this! I’ll totally be doing it in the next few days. A few of our answers are totally gonna be the same hahaha. Specifically Neil Gaiman related. Also drinking tea & reading in the bathtub.

    Also interesting about Blackbringer – I just recently discovered Laini Taylor with Daughter of Smoke and Bone, which I really enjoyed. I’ll have to check out some of her other stuff.

    ALSO!!! Tattoo. I love it. The next tat I’m getting is gonna be a quote as well. My question for you is, what’s it like being on your wrist? It’s such an obvious place, and I worried about getting a tattoo there because of how some people can be in the job world.

    • I love Laini Taylor – she’s just too cute. And awesome. Hah – of course our answers will be similar. I am so not even a little bit surprised by that. 🙂

      Yes. Quote tattoo. Love! I can’t wait to see it – get it SOON! 😉 I love my wrist tattoo. It took a lot of thought before I decided to go ahead with it, but this piece was important. The message is important. I needed to see it. I needed to be reminded. As for the working world, I have a union position – I can’t be judged based on ink. (It’s also pretty hideable under long sleeves, to job interviews are doable. I’m also confident that the world is adapting to body modification culture and visible ink isn’t as taboo now as it once was.) I LOVE to have a highly visible tattoo. I will do it again (I have plans for my right forearm). 🙂

      • We basically have the same fav authors hahaha.

        I want it soon!!! I toyed with putting it on my shoulder, but like you said, I want to be able to see it. That’s why I got my first tat on my foot. But there is still a lot of discrimination in the corporate world (not sure how laws differ from Canada to US), and I’ve no idea where my career is headed. Then again, you’re definitely right that visible ink is becoming more and more acceptable everywhere. I keep toying with a few different places. We’ll see…

        Ooo right forearm plans!!!! More literary stuff or something else?

      • A similarity to Vanessa? SO SURPRISING! 😉

        My first was on the back of my shoulder. Mostly for perceived professional reasons. We have discrimination against body mods here, too. I’m really lucky to work in an environment that doesn’t fall into that. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be huge on a huge neck, or face tattoo, but I also have a collective agreement that protects me from that kind of discrimination. They can’t actually tell me I can’t have visible ink. …I haven’t always been so lucky, though. I worked a restaurant job where visible tattoos were not allowed…because it was a family restaurant and apparently families are offended by tattoos. (Right…?)

        More literary stuff. 🙂 But! I made a promise to myself. That one hinges on a bit of personal success. Great motivation to get things done. 🙂

  2. LOVE this survey! What a great way to share your favorite books.
    I see that you’re reading Game of Thrones… isn’t there a new tv series called Game of Thrones? Have you watched it? Is it the same as the books?

    • Thank you! 🙂 It was super fun to fill out, too. 🙂

      There IS a TV series based on the books, yes! I have not seen the show, but am very interested in watching it. (I actually got REALLY interested after watching a panel with Peter Dinklage and Lena Headey – actors in the show – at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo.) I figured I should read the books before I watch the show – that’s the order in which I prefer to operate.

      Thank so much for stopping by, Courtney! 🙂

  3. I’m so impressed that you finished The Stand. I tried, but I just couldn’t stick with it. I think you have similar taste in books as my hubby, he is a big fan of Neil Gaiman and Stephen King. Have you read any Terry Pratchett? And P.S. I love your tattoo. I keep thinking I want to get something since my brother is an artist, but the truth is I’m just a big chicken.

    • I love The Stand – easily one of my favourite books.

      I have actually only read Good Omens (Pratchett and Gaiman), but have often meant to get more into Pratchett. Is he one that your husband reads and would recommend? 🙂

      Awh! Thank you. 🙂 I love that piece, too. It’s super important to me. I love that your brother is an artist – that would be so wonderful! If nothing else, just to visit his shop – I LOVE tattoo culture as much as I love tattoos. Tattoo artists are fascinating to me. 🙂

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